Where Samsung Cell Phones Are Made: 9 Factories in 7 Countries

Samsung Mobile is one of the cell phone brands active in the United States. We know that Samsung is a Korean brand. But where are their products manufactured? Are Samsung phones made in the U.S. or perhaps in South Korea, their home country?

Samsung cell phones are made on factories scattered across multiple countries around the world. The brand is one of the select few phone brands in the world that have manufacturing operations in different countries.

Where Samsung Cell Phones Are Made

Where Samsung phones are designed

While Samsung does the design of its cell phones in offices in Seol (South Korea), Shanghai (China), Beijing (China), London (UK), Noida (India), Delhi (India), and Tokyo (Japan), the actual manufacturing does not necessarily take place at those locations.

As of August 2024, Samsung cell phones are made in 7 different countries, namely Vietnam, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Brazil, Egypt, and Turkey. That is a handful, but when you consider that Samsung is the world’s largest mobile phone brand, it makes sense that manufacturing would be spread across multiple countries, for effective logistics.

As a matter of fact, Samsung is the only cell phone brand whose products are available in every country in the world. There are countries that the iPhone is not officially shipped to. The same goes for Google Pixels, Motorola phones, and indeed all other phone brands. Nokia used to be the one other cell phone brand that had a truly global footprint, but that has since changed, leaving Samsung as the only 100% global mobile phone brand.

If you noticed that China is not included in the list of countries where Samsung cell phones are made and you wondered why, that is because Samsung has closed its last factory in China since 2019. As such, Samsung no longer produces its phones in China.

Where Samsung cell phones are made: The list

Let’s look at the facilities in each of the countries where Samsung cell phones are made.


Vietnam is Samsung’s main manufacturing base. The company has six factories, producing smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices, located in the Thai Nguyen province of Vietnam. Which is why about half of Samsung’s phone shipments are rolled out from here.


The story of India’s rise as a manufacturing hub and an alternative to China is an interesting one that is meant for another article. But Samsung is one of the phone brands that moved production capacity from China to india in the last few years.

Samsung cell phones are made in two manufacturing facilities in India – the first in Tamil Nadu and the second in Noida.

Samsung’s 35-acre factory located in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, is the world’s largest cell phone factory and also is the company’s single largest mobile factory, with a capacity that rivals all of Vietnam’s six factories combined. That sounds mind-blowing. But then, India is a large country with a massive population and a vibrant smartphone market, so the size of the India factory is justified. The Noida plant started production of cell phones in 2007.

South Korea

South Korea is Samsung’s home base, and the company has manufacturing facilities there as well. Located in Gumi, three hours from Soul, the facility deploys advanced technology that includes robots in the manufacturing process.


In Brazil, Samsung cell phones are made at factories located in Manaus and Campinas. These two facilities produce phones for markets in the Latin American region. Samsung has been producing mobile phones in Brazil since 1999.


Samsung’s manufacturing facility in Indonesia is located in Cikarang, West Java, and began operations in 2015 with a capacity to produce 800,000 units annually.


This might come as a surprise to you, but Samsung gas recently began to manufacture some of its cell phones in Egypt. The factory in Beni Suef began to ship out Samsung phones in 2022. The factory has been in operation since 2014, producing TVs and tablets.


Samsung has a production facility in Tekirdag in northwestern Turkey. Samsung is the smartphone market leader in Turkey and this facility was built to meet local demand.

Samsung Mobile’s production footprint is indeed wide and varied. The company is likely to open yet more factories in more countries over time. Who knows where the next Samsung mobile factory will turn up?

If you enjoyed reading this article, you will love the definitive list of the countries where cell phones are made.